Novel Ghost Fleet

Novel fiksi Ghost Fleet adalah karya dari pengamat politik dan kebijakan ternama asal Amerika Serikat, Peter Warren Singer dan August Cole. Judul asli novel tersebut adalah Ghost Fleet: a Novel of The Next World War. Terbit pertama kali di Amerika Serikat pada 2015 lalu dengan lebih dari 400 halaman. Novel ini menjadi perhatian serius bagi petinggi militer Amerika Serikat. Pensiunan Laksamana James G Stavridis menyebut buku ini sebagai blue print untuk memahami peperangan di masa depan. Stavridis, yang kini menjabat sebagai dekan di fakultas Hubungan Internasional Tufts University, mewajibkan pimpinan militer untuk membaca novel tersebut. Singer menggambarkan situasi perang modern ketika pesawat tanpa awak (drone) mendominasi angkatan udara kedua belah pihak. Perang juga melanda sistem informasi tingkat tinggi, dan cakupannya bukan hanya peretasan situs internet, melainkan satelit yang memantau bagian permukaan bumi. Singer juga menceritakan China yang mengalami kemajuan p...

Penilaian Kinerja Karyawan dengan Metode AHP dan Rating Scale

PT. X organizes the office promotion every year, however, it has not implemented the performance appraisal concept. This study was conducted by the junior analyst at Laboratory Department of Routine Test in PT.X which has the highest number of employees in PT. X. This research aimed to find out the performance appraisal criteria and sub-criteria of the junior analysts, provide the weighting for each criteria and sub-criteria using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, and recommend the planning framework of performance appraisal for junior analyst using the Rating-Scale method in order to conduct the office promotion. The main criteria derived from this research were attendance, working target attainment, work thoroughness, proactive, empathy, cooperation (team/organization), analytical thinking, and flexibility. The result showed the working target attainment as the most important of the criterion approximately 0.248. Moreover, the consistency ratio around 0.020. In addition, the result of this research is applicable and could be proposed for conducting performance appraisal of junior analysts at Laboratory Department of PT.X in order to perform the office promotion.



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