Novel Ghost Fleet

Novel fiksi Ghost Fleet adalah karya dari pengamat politik dan kebijakan ternama asal Amerika Serikat, Peter Warren Singer dan August Cole. Judul asli novel tersebut adalah Ghost Fleet: a Novel of The Next World War. Terbit pertama kali di Amerika Serikat pada 2015 lalu dengan lebih dari 400 halaman. Novel ini menjadi perhatian serius bagi petinggi militer Amerika Serikat. Pensiunan Laksamana James G Stavridis menyebut buku ini sebagai blue print untuk memahami peperangan di masa depan. Stavridis, yang kini menjabat sebagai dekan di fakultas Hubungan Internasional Tufts University, mewajibkan pimpinan militer untuk membaca novel tersebut. Singer menggambarkan situasi perang modern ketika pesawat tanpa awak (drone) mendominasi angkatan udara kedua belah pihak. Perang juga melanda sistem informasi tingkat tinggi, dan cakupannya bukan hanya peretasan situs internet, melainkan satelit yang memantau bagian permukaan bumi. Singer juga menceritakan China yang mengalami kemajuan p...

Strategy of the policy of sustainable housing development using AHP method at the village Ihamahu-Maluku, Indonesia

This paper focuses on the application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) as a potential method in the context of sustainable development in housing construction in the village Ihamahu village at Maluku province, Indonesia. Election issues, sustainable housing development policy is used as an example. Some criteria such as social dimension, economy dimension, and a dimension environment used to build a hierarchical structure. In addition, sub-criteria consist of several dimensions in order to give a more detailed explanation of the problems encountered. Through the application of AHP method, criteria and sub-criteria can be prioritized and alternative made within the framework of the election the best policy alternative in sustainable residential development. Questionnaires to five key informants in the village Ihamahu used to obtain information on the factors and criteria related to alternative issues. The study found that the preference policy of housing development is the highest priority (0.602), environmental policy preferences (0.275) and the lowest priority is education policy (0.123). In addition, the study also found that the consistency of the respondents 0.04 <0.10. The study also expresses the sensitivity performance of each decision alternative. Thus, it is expected that stakeholders can apply AHP in determining preferences in decision making in the future.
Keywords: Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP, Sustainable development, housing, Ihamahu-Maluku



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